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Receive a Personalization Pack upon any purchase of adidas full-priced sneakers. Shop Now.
Shipping delays are expected, with normal operations resuming on Feb 1.
Enjoy an instant rebate of HK$100 upon any purchase of HK$300 or more at our Baz & Friends shop online. T&C

Promotion Period: April 28 – May 31, 2023
活動推廣期: 2023年4月28日至5月31日

Upon single spending of HK$3,000, receive
Lane Crawford Gift Card

Upon single spending of HK$8,000, receive
Lane Crawford Gift Card

Redemption Location: Concierge
換領地點: 禮賓部

Terms and Conditions 條款及細則:

  1. The Promotion is till 31 May 2023.
  2. The Promotion is applicable to UnionPay Credit and ATM Cards with card number starting with 62, UnionPay Mobile QuickPass (including Apple Pay and Huawei Pay) and UnionPay QR Code (including UnionPay App and other Apps supporting UnionPay QR Code Payment), except the RMB cards issued by specific Hong Kong and Macau card issuing institutions. The qualified transaction must be settled via UnionPay network.
  3. The Promotion is applicable to all Lane Crawford in Hong Kong.
  4. Each cardholder is entitled to receive gift card once per day.
  5. Gift card would be given away immediately upon eligible transaction. No accumulation nor replacement is allowed.
  6. The following transactions will not be accepted for the Promotion: Purchase of Apple and Samsung products, delivery charge, purchase of gift card and gift card reload services.
  7. Gift card is valid until 30 April 2024.
  8. Gift card is available on a first-come-first-served basis while stock last.
  9. Terms and conditions applied. For details, please visit www.unionpayintl.com/hk/promotion/en/promo_lc.html.
  10. In case of dispute, the decision of Lane Crawford shall be final and conclusive.
  1. 活動推廣期至2023年5月31日。
  2. 活動適用於卡號62開頭的銀聯信用卡及借記卡(即ATM卡)、銀聯手機閃付(包括Apple Pay及Huawei Pay)及銀聯二維碼(包括雲閃付App及其他支援銀聯二維碼的手機應用程式)支付,惟香港及澳門指定發卡機構所發行之人民幣銀聯卡除外。交易必須通過銀聯網絡繳付,方可享用有關優惠。
  3. 優惠適用於連卡佛香港全線分店。
  4. 每位持卡人每日只限獲贈禮品卡一張。
  5. 禮品卡將於合資格交易後即時送出,不設累積或補領。
  6. 恕不接受以下交易發出之發票:購買蘋果及三星產品、送貨服務、購買禮品卡及禮品卡增值服務。
  7. 禮品卡有效期至 2024 年4月30日。
  8. 禮品卡數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。
  9. 優惠受條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽 www.unionpayintl.com/hk/promotion/tc/promo_lc.html
  10. 如有任何爭議,連卡佛保留最終決定權。
2023-04-21 00:00:00.0